Learning. Learning. Learning It's everywhere. Goodbye to traditional school structures. Goodbye to traditional school structures. Goodbye to Pavlovian techniques. Goodbye yellow paper (well except for the ones in the corner of my pen).
This is new ground.
Dommy is generous to share how and what we learn. It's just that typing with paws is very hard, so bear with us.
Director Online Users Group (DOUG)
See the collection of "randomAlan" articles on Macromedia Director techniques written from July 1998 through November 200.
Writing HTML
is a wildly popular series of lessons created in our day work for the Maricopa Community Colleges. Translated by volunteers into Spanish, Italian, Icelandic, Korean, and Japanses, the tutorial has been available online continuously since 1994. The lessons guideo you through the basics of HTML and web design through topics such as JavaScript, digital video clips, and even a wee bit of Java. And along the way you might even learn a few things about Volcanoes and cheese.